In The Spirit of Wally Byam
Legacy Member
Wally Byam had a giving spirit and a servant’s heart. After he passed away the Wally Byam Foundation was formed and while it was ultimately dissolved in 1977, serves in large part as the inspiration for the WBCCI Foundation and our work.
Dendy Jarrett
WBCCI Foundation President
Dendy is a Longtime Member of the Airstream Club International (WBCCI) and the Music city Airstream Club. His BRN is 22342. He and his wife, holly, have been camping in Airstreams since 2014. He is an active leader in the Airstream Club and has been the Music City Airstream Club 1st VP, as well as served on many oversight committees.. he represents Regions 3 and 6 on the Foundation.
WBCCI Foundation Board Members
Board Member | Big Red Number (BRN) | Region Representation
Jane Bartlett | 4544 | Regions 7 and 8
Bob Grimes | 4863 | Regions 9 and 11
Johnni Hansen | 4679 | Regions 10 and 12
Kim Harmon | 31976 | Regions 9 and 11
Steve Rowley | 5342 | Regions 4 and 5
Jerry Settle | 3365 | Regions 10 and 12
Tom Slowe | 27127 | Regions 3 and 6
Eric McHenry | 153 | Ex-Officio Member (non-voting)
Lori Plummer | Ex-Officio (non-voting)